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Revista Clínica y Salud

Revista Clínica y Salud

Portada de la revista en español “Clínica y Salud”

Clínica y Salud

Clínica y Salud es una revista que publica contribuciones empíricas originales sobre investigación básica o aplicada, revisiones teóricas sobre el “estado de la cuestión” de algún tópico puntual o general de un campo de estudio, y estudios de casos clínicos dentro del ámbito de la psicología clínica y de la salud.

Tablas de contenidos de la revista

ABSTRACT Background: Previous studies have shown that catastrophizing and avoiding pain increase suffering and disability of patients with fibromyalgia (FM). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has demonstrated good results in the treatment of chronic pain. Method: This study applies a group ACT therapy for women with fibromyalgia, focusing on therapeutic components, such as acceptance, defusion, and personal values. An experimental design with control group was used; 57 women diagnosed with FM participated in this study (25 in the ACT group and 32 in the control group). The ACT group received five intervention sessions. Psychological symptoms, perceived health, mindfulness, catastrophic thinking, and cognitive fusion were evaluated at pre- and post-treatment and at six-month follow-up. Results: The results showed that the ACT group had significantly better results in mental health, social role and functioning, anxiety, depression, somatization, and obsession-compulsion, less catastrophic thinking, and improved capacity for mindfulness at six-month follow-up. Conclusions: The results are discussed in the light of previous interventions.RESUMEN Antecedentes: Estudios anteriores han demostrado que los pensamientos catastróficos y evitar el dolor aumentan el sufrimiento y la discapacidad de los pacientes con fibromialgia (FM). La terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) ha tenido buenos resultados en el tratamiento del dolor crónico. Método: Este estudio aplica una terapia ACT grupal a mujeres con fibromialgia, centrándose en componentes terapéuticos, como la aceptación, la defusión y los valores personales. Se ha utilizado un diseño experimental con grupo control, participando 57 mujeres diagnosticadas de FM (25 en el grupo ACT y 32 en el grupo control). El grupo ACT recibió cinco sesiones de intervención. Se evaluaron los síntomas psicológicos, la salud percibida, la atención plena, el pensamiento catastrófico y la fusión cognitiva antes y después del tratamiento y a los seis meses de seguimiento. Resultados: Los resultados del grupo de ACT son significativamente mejores en salud mental, rol y funcionamiento social, ansiedad, depresión, somatización y obsesión-compulsión, pensamiento menos catastrófico y mejor capacidad de atención plena en el seguimiento a seis meses. Conclusiones: Estos resultados se abordan teniendo en cuenta los de intervenciones anteriores. [...]
Mar, Ene 14, 2025, Continue reading at the source
ABSTRACT Background: The bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe, disabling mental disorder characterized by phases of mania, hypomania, or depression. The present quasi-experimental study of 21 BD patients (Mage = 44 years, SD = 11.45, 6% women) compared the efficacy of a mutual aid group (MAG) with a MAG that followed a mindfulness-based intervention (MAG+M) over 6 weeks. Method: Both groups were evaluated pre-test and post-test with the following variables: depression, mania, anxiety, mindfulness, and psychological acceptance. Results: Pretest and post-test intragroup analyses showed that MAG+M improved significantly in measures of depression (z = -2.31, p = .02) and trait anxiety (z = -2.43, p = .01), while MAG did not improve in any of the measures. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in the post-test. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that mindfulness meditation may improve symptoms of depression and anxiety in a MAG for BD patients.RESUMEN Antecedentes: El trastorno bipolar (TB) es un trastorno mental grave e incapacitante caracterizado por la presencia de fases de manía, hipomanía o depresión. Este estudio cuasi-experimental con 21 pacientes con TB (Medad = 44 años, DT = 11.45, 6% mujeres) compara la eficacia de un grupo de ayuda mutua simple (GAM) con otro grupo de ayuda mutua que siguió una intervención con mindfulness (GAM+M) durante seis semanas. Método: Ambos grupos fueron evaluados pretest y post-test con las siguientes variables: depresión, manía, ansiedad, mindfulness y aceptación psicológica. Resultados: Los análisis intragrupo pretest-postest mostraron que GAM+M mejoró significativamente en las medidas de depresión (z = -2.31, p = .02) y ansiedad rasgo (z = -2.43, p = .01), mientras que el GAM simple no mejoró en ninguna de las medidas evaluadas. No obstante, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en el post-test. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos sugieren un papel potencial de la inclusión de la meditación mindfulness en los GAM de pacientes con TB para mejorar los síntomas de depresión y ansiedad. [...]
Mar, Ene 14, 2025, Continue reading at the source
ABSTRACT Background: This study examined the effectiveness of a psychological intervention on self-esteem, perceived stress, perceived health problems, coping strategies, psychological inflexibility, and caregiving experience in siblings of patients with severe mental disorders (SMD). Method: 42 Siblings of patients with SMD participated. The psychological intervention was based on the third wave of cognitive-behavioural therapy and consisted of 14 group sessions. Pre- and post-treatment assessment were conducted in the intervention group (IG) and compared with the control group (CG). Results: IG significantly increased self-esteem, adaptive coping, and positive caregiving experience and reduced perceived stress, perceived health problems, psychological inflexibility, maladaptive coping, and negative caregiving experience. The effect sizes were moderate to large. No changes were reported for the CG in the post-treatment evaluation. Conclusions: The psychological intervention for siblings was effective in relation to the variables assessed. This is an innovative approach to care within the health system for siblings of people suffering from SMD.RESUMEN Antecedentes: Este estudio evalúa la eficacia de una intervención psicológica sobre la autoestima, el estrés percibido, los problemas de salud percibidos, las estrategias de afrontamiento, la inflexibilidad psicológica y la experiencia en cuidados de hermanos de pacientes con trastornos mentales graves (TMG). Método: Participaron 42 hermanos de pacientes con TMG. La intervención psicológica estaba basada en la terapia cognitivo-conductual de tercera generación y consistió en 14 sesiones de grupo. Se realizó una evaluación antes y después del tratamiento en el grupo de intervención (GI) y se comparó con el grupo control (GC). Resultados: El GI aumentó significativamente en autoestima, afrontamiento adaptativo y experiencias positivas de cuidado y disminuyó en estrés percibido, problemas de salud percibidos, inflexibilidad psicológica, afrontamiento desadaptativo y experiencias negativas de cuidado. Los tamaños del efecto fueron de moderados a grandes. El GC no mostró cambios en el postratamiento. Conclusiones: La intervención psicológica en los hermanos ha sido eficaz y es una propuesta de asistencia innovadora dentro del sistema sanitario en hermanos de personas que padecen TMG. [...]
Mar, Ene 14, 2025, Continue reading at the source
ABSTRACT Background: The main objective of this study was to provide Spanish normative data for the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment-7 (GAD-7) in a community-derived sample of adolescents. Method: A total of 2,235 adolescents (M = 14.68 years, SD = 1.76 years), selected through stratified cluster sampling, participated in the study. Results: Self-reported symptoms of depression and anxiety were common. Statistically significant differences were found when comparing the means scores of PHQ-9 and GAD-7 across sex and age. Percentile scores were computed for both total scores and were stratified by sex and age. Conclusions: Both the PHQ-9 and the GAD-7 are brief, simple, and useful measurement instruments with adequate psychometric properties for the assessment of self-reported depressive and anxious symptomatology among Spanish adolescents. A reliable and valid assessment of mental health is essential, as it allows for early detection and identification, which in turn can help in guiding psychological preventive interventions in a critical human developmental stage such as adolescence.RESUMEN Antecedentes: El objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido proporcionar datos normativos para el Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) y el Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment-7 (GAD-7) en una muestra comunitaria de adolescentes. Método: Un total de 2,235 adolescentes (M = 14.68 años, DT = 1.76 años), seleccionados mediante muestreo estratificado por conglomerados, participaron en el estudio. Resultados: Los síntomas autoinformados de depresión y ansiedad fueron frecuentes. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas al comparar las puntuaciones medias del PHQ-9 y el GAD-7 en función del sexo y la edad. Se calcularon las puntuaciones percentiles para los valores totales y se estratificaron por sexo y edad. Conclusiones: Tanto el PHQ-9 como el GAD-7 son instrumentos de medida breves, sencillos y útiles, con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para la evaluación de la sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa autoinformada. Una evaluación fiable y válida de la salud mental es esencial, ya que permite la detección e identificación temprana, lo que a su vez puede ayudar a orientar las intervenciones psicológicas preventivas en una etapa crítica del desarrollo humano como es la adolescencia. [...]
Mar, Ene 14, 2025, Continue reading at the source
ABSTRACT Background: Mattering is the perception of being important to other people and it can play an important role in women's experience during the postpartum period. This study aims to validate the General Mattering Scale (GMS) to the Portuguese population in a sample of postpartum women and to assess its psychometric characteristics. Method: A total of 532 women in the postpartum period completed an online survey. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to evaluate the one-factor structure of the GMS. Results: The unidimensional structure of the GMS was confirmed. This instrument had a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha of .87). General mattering was negatively associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms, and it was positively correlated with self-esteem and social support. Conclusions: Our findings revealed that the Portuguese version of the GMS is a reliable, valid and adequate measure of general mattering among Portuguese postpartum women.RESUMEN Antecedentes: Sentirse importante es una percepción relevante para otras personas y puede desempeñar un papel crucial en el bienestar de las mujeres en el periodo posparto. El estudio aborda la validación de la Escala de Importancia General en la población portuguesa, en una muestra de mujeres en el periodo posparto y la medición de sus características psicométricas. Método: Un total de 532 mujeres en periodo posparto cumplimentaron la encuesta online, llevándose a cabo un análisis factorial confirmatorio con el fin de medir la estructura unifactorial de la escala. Resultados: Se confirmó la estructura unidimensional de la escala, que muestra una gran consistencia interna (alfa de Chronbach = .87). Ser importante en general se vincula negativamente con los síntomas depresivos y de ansiedad, y positivamente con la autoestima y el respaldo social. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran que la versión portuguesa de la escala es fiable y válida y constituye una medida adecuada de sentirse importante en general en las mujeres portuguesas en el periodo posparto. [...]
Mar, Ene 14, 2025, Continue reading at the source
ABSTRACT Background: In many countries, midwives and nurses play a vital role in supporting effective perinatal mental health (PMH) care, including peripartum depression (PPD) management. In our study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of PMH training in increasing certified midwives (CMs) and certified nurse–midwives (CNMs)' knowledge about PPD management in primary care settings. The training was a part of postpartum depression (PPD) prevention programme implemented by Polish Ministry of Health. Additionally, we investigated the link between the CMs and CNMs perception of systemic difficulties, attitudes toward work with patients with mental health problems, and the adherence to PPD screening procedures. Method: A total of 379 CMs and CNMs from primary health centres and hospitals who participated in a PPD management training completed the Test of Antenatal and Postpartum Depression Knowledge before and after PMH training and the REASON scale after the training. Results: Before the training, only 17% (n = 66) of CMs and CNMs considered themselves to be educated for PPD management. The participants' knowledge about PPD significantly increased after the training, by three points on average. The effect size was very strong, d = 0.84. However, the prevalence of perinatal mental disorders and the suicide rate among persons with PPD remained misestimated. We also found that age had a substantial influence in controlling the relationship between perceived educational preparation for PPD management, job tenure, and actual knowledge about PPD management. Self-reported higher levels of perceived systemic problems in the workplace and having more negative attitudes toward working with persons experiencing emotional difficulties were associated with declared lower frequency of measuring the severity of PPD, using screening tools, counselling, and making referrals to specialists. Discussion: Even though the training turned out to be effective, a tendency to underestimate the negative consequences of PPD was observed. The participants' perception of systemic problems and personal attitudes were associated with an adherence to PPD screening procedures. The implementation of an obligatory PPD screening may not be enough to change the everyday practice of CMs and CNMs. Further training, taking into account personal attitudes of health care professionals, and systemic changes are required to ensure an optimal management for persons with PPD.RESUMEN Antecedentes: En muchos países las comadronas y enfermeras juegan un papel fundamental con su ayuda a la asistencia eficaz a la salud mental perinatal (SMP), como por ejemplo la gestión de la depresión puerperal (DPP). En este estudio nos hemos [...]
Mar, Ene 14, 2025, Continue reading at the source

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